"TEXT 1"="Do not add "Start high priority" command for EXE files"
"TEXT 2"="Enable command on context menu for EXE files"
"TEXT 3"="Enable command as default command for EXE files"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="If "Start high priority" is enabled, the command "Start High Priority" will appear if you right-click a EXE file."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Selecting this command will force Windows to execute the currently selected file with maximum priority."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="The third option will make this the default option for all EXE files. Use this with caution as you may adversely affect system speed and stability if you run too many programs with high priority."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Found at http://snakefoot.homestead.com/files/tweak/winnt/tweak.html (Credits: www.ntfaq.com)"